DIY Traffic lights of air pollution. – CITY GO! 2018 Autumn School 2018 PIKSEL KIDZ Lab Piksel Studio Workshop October 5, 2018May 10, 2024 5 – 7 november – 10:00 – 14:00 8 – 9 november – 14:00 – 18:00 For å melde deg på, send en mail til piksel18(at)piksel(dot)no Piksel Studio 2017 Strandgaten 207, 5004 Bergen, Norway DIY Trafikklys for luftforurensning DIY Trafikklys for luftforurensning er en øko-design workshop for barn. Deltagerne vil sette sammen «trafikklys» som visualiserer luftforurensingen i byen vår. Målet er å eksperimentere med en sensor laget for å avlese nivåer for konsentrasjonen av karbonmonoksid (CO) i luften. Karbonmonoksid er den viktigste avfallsgassen som slippes ut av diesel- og bensinbiler. Vi drar deretter til byen for å teste sensorene i sentrumsgatene. Prosjektet blander kunstneriske, teknologiske, økologiske og sosiale tilnærminger, og følger prinsippet om åpen teknologi, både for maskinvare og programvare. Det vil si at alle inviteres til å lære hvordan elektronikken og kodingen som tas i bruk fungerer, slik at de selv blir i stand til å modifisere den. Hamilton Mestizo (CDMX, Mexico) Hamilton Mestizo utforsker punktene hvor kunst, vitenskap og teknologi møtes, og hvilke lærdommer vi kan trekke av disse møtepunktene, kritisk, økologisk og sosiokulturelt. I løpet av det siste tiåret har Mestizo kombinert sin kunstneriske gjerning med utdanning og forskning, med fokus på utvikling av åpen kilde-teknologi, DIY/DIWO-kultur, nye medier og bioteknologi. — english Piksel Studio 207 Strandgaten 207 BERGEN To sign in: piksel18(at)piksel(dot)no with the subject CITY GO – DIY Traffic lights of air pollution. Free entrance No prior knowledge is required. Age: 9 – 17. Number of participants: 15. DIY Traffic lights of air pollution. An eco-design workshop for kids. During a week kids will be assembling “air traffic lights”. This workshop aims to visualise the pollution in our cities. The goal is to experiment with a sensor (MQ-07) which detects levels of Carbon Monoxide (CO) concentrations, the main gas produced by gasoline and diesel cars. The project mixes artistic, environmental and social concerns and adheres to the design principles of open hardware and software: Everyone is invited to learn how the electronics and the code functions in order to be able to modify it. We will learn how to use it with an Arduino board, participants will program a series of behaviors in colour variations that allowed us to translate the sensor signals into color changes on a RGB LED screen: red 🙁, orange: I, green 🙂. To then assemble all the pieces inside a hand-held traffic light designed for laser cutting. The workshop part occurs over 4 hours in which the operations of the circuit and the code will be explained while assembling the circuit. The group will then walk in order to listen to the city in a different way. The workshop: 1.- Assembly The assembly process is developed in three phases: 1. electronic circuit. 2. programming. 3. assembly. 2.- Electronic circuit The electronic circuit was previously designed. Use an attiny84 microcontroller, programmed through arduino as ISP. The circuit controls the sensor, the intensity of each RGB color and regulates the electrical voltage. 3.- Programming The program translates the mq7 sensor signal into a sensitivity range of an analog input of 0 to 1023, 0 = 10ppm (particles per million), 1023 = 10000ppm of CO in the environment. At the same time it determines in that range the color mix in the RGB screen, based on this signal. 4.- Mounting Finally, the RGB LED screen, the power supply (battery-switch) and the container were assembled. 5.- Testing on the streets 🙂 Duration: 5 day – 15 hours Age: 8-18 years old. Exhibition: Piksel Studio Hamilton Mestizo (CDMX, Mexico) Hamilton Mestizo work primarily explores the interfaces of arts, science and technology and their critical, ecological, and social-culturall implications. In the last decade, Mestizo has combined his artistic practice with education and research focused on open source hardware development, DIY-DIWO culture, new media and biotechnology. From 2007 to 2014 he had taught hypermedia in Film’s Department at Universidad Nacional de Colombia (2007), biotechnology and physical computing in Design and Architecture’s Department (2008-2012) and Art’s Department (2014) at Universidad Javeriana Bogota. Mestizo had worked at Parque Explora Medellín (2016-2017) where, with a multidisciplinary team, they designed and planned the program and activities at the “Exploratorio” (Public Experimentation Laboratory and Workshop). Moreover, Mestizo has involved with different private-public institutions developing strategies and counseling in pedagogy and education. Mestizo has participated in several exhibitions and festivals worldwide, including: Siggraph Art Gallery (Los Angeles, 2017); GOSH – Gathering for Open Science Hardware (Santiago de Chile, 2017); Medialab-Prado (Madrid, 2016); Rural Scapes Exhibition (Brasil, 2015); Festival Internacional de la Imagen ( Manizales, 2015); Fundación Platohedro (Medellín, 2015); Centro de Cultura Digital CCD (México, 2014); ISEA sur-south – International Symposium of Electronic Arts (Sydney, 2013); Balance-Unbalance Conference (Noosa, 2013); Maker Fair London (London, 2013); Pixelache (Helsinki-Tallinn, 2013); Plataforma (Bogotá, 2012); Labsurlab ( Quito, 2012); Culturadigital (Rio De Janeiro, 2011); Deus Ex Media (Santiago, 2011); Interactivos?10:neigburhoodscience Medialab-Prado (Madrid, 2010); VIDA Art and Artificial Life International Awards (Spain, 2007), among others venues. — Piksel Kidz Lab er støttet av Norsk Kulturfond og Hordaland Fylkeskommune.